AJ e-Library is a new database of electronic resources available at AJ. The function of this database is to create an institutional repository, so as to provide access to all materials produced by AJ in relation to its operation and training in Albanian, Serbian and English.


The e-Library includes all AJ publications, and also course materials prepared by AJ and other institutions. It also includes audio, video and other multimedia materials from AJ and events of other institution, as well as law books and articles from the journals related to legal issues in Kosovo, especially GIZ Commentaries on Kosovo legal system. Supplementing these resources, the e-Library provides legal acts and case law from the courts in Kosovo, as well as European Court of Human Rights and other international courts.


Documents from the e-Library could be retrieved in the following ways:


  1. browsed by different criteria (under menu BROWSE): 
             1. by year
    1. by subject
    1. by author
    1. by corporate author
    1. by item type


  1. browsing latest items (under menu HOME)


  1. searching repository 
    1. under menu HOME using various criteria
    1. using SEARCH box on right corner 


Link to e-library