
Postuar më: 12-02-2025

Complaint of the injured party in cases of dismissal of criminal charges or termination of investigation

On 04-05 February 2025, the Justice Academy, within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting the training “Complaint of the injured party in cases of dismissal of criminal charges or termination of investigation”.

Trainers engaged in this activity are: Mr. Agron Bajrami, Chief Prosecutor at the Appellate Prosecutor's Office and Mr. Arian Gashi, Prosecutor at the Appellate Prosecutor's Office.

The purpose of this training is to build capacities for the Legal basis for the right to appeal against the decision to dismiss the criminal charge and terminate the investigation.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Prosecutors from the SPRK, prosecutors and professional associates from the Basic Prosecution.

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