
Postuar më: 08-10-2024

The capacity of perpetrators – the meaning of the official person and the Punitive Policy for criminal offenses of corruption, Cooperation in commission of the criminal offense, as well as the criminal offenses from Chapters XXVI, XXIII, XXX and XXIX of the CPC

On October 08, 2024, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, is carrying out the training from the Basic Module for Professional Associates and Legal Officers in the criminal field on the topic "The capacity of perpetrators - the meaning of the official person and the punitive policy for criminal offenses of corruption, Cooperation in commission of a criminal offense, as well as criminal offenses from Chapters XXVI, XXIII, XXX and XXIX of the CPC".

Trainers engaged in this activity are Mr. Burim Ademi judge at the Appeals Court of Appeal and Mr. Arian Gashi, prosecutor in the Appellate Prosecutor's Office.

Purpose of this training is to advance the participants knowledge on the capacity of the perpetrator as an official, criminal offenses of misuse of official duties, punitive policy against official persons including forms of criminal cooperation, criminal offenses against narcotics, criminal offenses against property as well as offenses of endangering public traffic.

The applied methodology was of a combined character, with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions. Beneficiaries of this training are: Professional associates and legal officers from the Courts and Prosecutor's Offices.

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