
Postuar më: 21-03-2024

Violence against Women, Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence

On March 21, 2024, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe, Alignment of laws and policies with the Istanbul Convention Project, are conducting a training on Violence against Women, Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence.

Trainers engaged in this activity are: Mrs. Leonora Kadriu, Prosecutor at the Basic Prosecutor's Office in Gjilan, General Department, Mr. Sulltan Dobraj, judge at the Gjakova Basic Court, Department for Serious Crimes, and Mrs. Ariana Qosaj, local expert engaged by the Council of Europe.

Purpose of this training is to extend the participants knowledge regarding capacity building in the legal framework on the main concepts, local normative framework and laws related to Violence against Women (VAW), Domestic Violence (DV) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are: judges and prosecutors.

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