
Postuar më: 28-05-2024

International Conference on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Cybercrime

27-28 May 2024 – Ankara, Türkie - upon the invitation by the Octopus Cyber Coop Action and the CoE Office in Ankara, the Executive Director of the Kosovo Justice Academy Mr. Enver Fejzullahu, Head of the Continuous Training Program KJA Mrs. Melihate Rama, Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution Office Mrs. Florije Shamolli, and Prosecutor Mr. Halim Borovci are attending the International Conference on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and Cybercrime.

The conference was attended also by officials from the Ministry of Justice the International Legal Cooperation Department, as well as officials from the Kosovo Police – the Cybercrime Unit.

Purpose of this conference is to facilitate the discussions about challenges and best practices on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

During the visit in Ankara, Executive Director of the Kosovo Justice Academy Mr. Enver Fejzullahu was hosted in a meeting by the President of the Justice Academy of the Türkie Mr. Muhittin Özdemir and Mr. Kadir Yilmaztekin, Director of the Foreign Relations Department. Purpose of this meeting was fostering the cooperation in the training area and exchange of experiences in the area os justice and international cooperation.

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