Module: The Law on Inheritance
During December 18-27 2024, the Justice Academy within the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges of the 12th generation has conducted four sessions of the theoretical training from the Module on the Law on Inheritance, within the curriculum encompassing the Civil, Administrative and Commercial Laws. This module was delivered by the trainer Mr. Zenel Leku judge in the Supreme Court.
This module elaborated on the following: Inheritance based on the Law, Inheritance by law and the order of inheritance, inheritance by will, the necessary share, infringement of the necessary share, unworthiness and exclusion from inheritance, and the transfer of hereditary property to heirs.
The training methodology was interactive discussions based on practical cases.
Beneficiaries of the training are 31 newly appointed judges including one member of the Bosnian community.
Postuar më: 06-01-2025