
Postuar më: 22-09-2023

Sub-module: Role of the judge in the preliminary procedure; Session four: Temporary sequestration

On September 22, 2023, the Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges of the tenth generation, is carrying out the theoretical training under the module "The role of the judge in the preliminary procedure", held by the trainer Mr. Ali Kutllovci, Judge in the Basic Court in Mitrovica.

This session is covering the following: The basic grounds for seizure and procedures/ as evidence, as an opportunity and as a benefit; Items that cannot be temporarily seized; The meaning of seizure and confiscation as two forms of taking the criminally acquired property; Legal basis for sequestrating the criminally acquired property; Legal basis in our legislation for sequestration and confiscation; Steps for the criminally acquired property; Means of identification used by the investigator and prosecutor, and the method of seizure during search.

The training methodology is interactive discussions method and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are 29 newly appointed judges including one member from the Bosnian community and one from the Turkish community.

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