
Postuar më: 10-10-2024

Legal persons as perpetrators of criminal offences

On October 10, 2024, the Academy of Justice, as part of the Continuous Training Program, is conducting the training on "Legal Persons as Perpetrators of Offenses".

Trainer for this activity is Mr. Ramiz Kuqi, judge at the Appeals Court.

Purpose of this training is to advance the participants knowledge about the way of conducting the minor offence procedure against the business entity that has the status of a legal entity and against the responsible person of the legal entity;

The training methodology is elaboration of the applicable legislation in the criminal procedure related to the status of legal entities as business entities, through interactive discussions, practical examples, working in groups to solve the concrete task-scenarios of cases, and offering alternatives for the ambiguities presented by the judges.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges from Basic Courts.

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