
Postuar më: 08-07-2024

Training of trainers - on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media (refresher session)

On 08-09 July 2024, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe, respectively the PROFREX Project, is carrying out the training of trainers’ refresher session on the topic "Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media".

The purpose of this activity is to offer the already certified trainers training on the "Freedom of expression and freedom of the media" and refresh and extend their knowledge on Freedom of expression on the Internet - Approach and standards of the European Court of Human Rights for online content and publications.

Also, the purpose of the training is for judges, prosecutors and lawyers of the Republic of Kosovo to be informed on the latest news from the Council of Europe such as: Guidance note to fight the dissemination of misinformation and disinformation on the Internet through fact checking and design solutions platform, guidelines for the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence systems in journalism, good practices for sustainable financing of news media, Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)11 on principles for media and communication governance, Recommendation CM/Rec(2022 )12 on election communication and media coverage of election campaigns, as well as the Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)13 on the impact of digital technologies on freedom of expression.

The training is focused on practical cases, also accompanied by simulations, which are cases from the Court Practice of the ECtHR on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. During this training, there will also be a discussion about strategic Lawsuits against public participation - the presentation of the Council of Europe's instruments for SLAPPS and Presentation on the new judgment at the local level on the safety of journalists.

During the training, the participants were divided in groups and were assigned exercises on the use of the ECHR standards for defamation. The training was carried out with the support of Mrs. Flutura Kusari, expert engaged by the Council of Europe, Mrs. Habibe Salihu, Prosecutor in the Special Prosecutor's Office and Mr. Dren Rugova, Judge at the Basic Court.

Beneficiaries of the Training are 7 judges, 5 prosecutors, 5 lawyers and one staff members of the Justice Academy.

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