
Postuar më: 14-09-2023

Measures and punishments imposed on minors

On September 14, 2023, the Academy of Justice, within its Continuous Training Program, is conducting the Training on "Measures and punishments imposed on minors".

Trainers engaged in this activity are: Mr. Hashim Çollaku, judge at the Appeals Court and Mr. Ramadan Gashi – Permanent judicial trainer at the Academy of Justice.

Purpose of this training is for the participants to advance their knowledge on the measures and punishments for juvenile perpetrators of criminal offenses, the possibility that any of the measures or punishment will be rendered according to the age of the perpetrator of the criminal offense, the gravity of the criminal offense, and the personality of the minor.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges and the Appeals Court and the Basic Courts.

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