
Postuar më: 14-02-2023

Sub-module: Indictment review procedure; Sixth session: Proposals against perpetrators of criminal offenses with mental disorders under the influence of alcohol and drugs

On February 14, 2023, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the Initial Training Program, for the newly appointed prosecutors of the ninth generation, is carrying out the theoretical training under the module "Indictment review procedure", delivered by the trainer Mr. Valdet Gashi, prosecutor in the Special Prosecutor's Office.

This training session, is addressing the following: Criminal responsibility for perpetrators with mental disorders, criminal responsibility for perpetrators of criminal offenses who are under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and the proposal and procedure for imposing a measure for mandatory rehabilitation treatment.

The training methodology is interactive discussions method and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are 6 newly appointed prosecutors 2022/23.

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