Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


Regional roundtables: Certified trainers of KJI/UNWOMEN from the field of Human Rights, conducted trainings in five regions of Kosovo.


From September 12 until 16, 2011, KJI with support by UNWOMEN, Office in Prishtina, organized one day trainings in five regions of Kosovo on the topic: Domestic Violence, International Standards and Law on Gender Equality, Children’s Rights and Trafficking of Human Beings.

The certified trainers by KJI and UNWOMEN for the first time organized trainings from this field.

The purpose of these roundtables was the capacity building of the Kosovo Judiciary and other actors of the justice system from the field of Human Rights and Gender Equality. 

After the completion of these trainings, the beneficiaries will be able to:

  • Implement more effectively in practice the national and international laws from this field;
  • Expand their knowledge for the international instruments regulating this area,
  • Define the procedure that should be applied in cases of the criminal offence of Trafficking on Human Beings,
  • To implement in a more effective and efficient way the process of the protection of victims rights;
  • Understand better the concept, types and consequences of Domestic Violence as well as to know about the procedure that should be applied in those cases. 

Trainings held in this field were conducted by combining the training methodology through the presentation of the theoretical part, practical cases, group work and discussions. The participants were provided with a material developed by trainers as well the international and national legislation regulating this field. 

Beneficiaries of these trainings were: judges; prosecutors, Kosovo Police Officials, Probation Service and the Center for Social Work from all the regions of Kosovo.


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