Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


CLEP Roundtable discussion – criminal “Proceedings of the Evidence with special emphasis on expertise, supporting the judgment in single evidence and the admissibility of evidence”

CLEP Roundtable discussion – criminal “Proceedings of the Evidence with special emphasis on expertise, supporting the judgment in single evidence and the admissibility of evidence” 

On June 18, 2012, KJI conducted the training session from the criminal field on the aforementioned topic. 

Learning objectives of this training were that participants will be able to: 
• To distinguish the relevant legal facts, indicating facts, assisting facts, evidences, evidence means and evidence activity,
• To distinguish the phases of evidence proceedings,
• To apply properly the provisions dealing with the evidence - evidence collection, processing, testing verification and assessment of evidence.

Topics that were addressed during this training session mainly focused on the Evidence Proceedings, their types and inadmissible evidence, expertise as evidence in the criminal proceedings and differences between the expert, expert witness and expertise. 
This roundtable also addressed issues concerning procedural actions related to evidence with the help of which the court must certify the actual situation and find the truth in criminal proceedings, always supporting the court’s decision on admissible evidence which is made in accordance with law.
Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from all regions of Kosovo.

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