Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


Module: Criminal Code and Criminal Procedural Code (TPP)


On 23 October 2012, KJI in cooperation with UNDP within the Training Program for Promotion conducted a cycle of continuous trainings within the Module Criminal Code and Criminal Procedural on: “Essential Violations of Legal Provisions, Article 403 of CPCK. 

As a result of this training the participants will be able to:


•  Distinguish the effect of essential violations of the absolute and relative nature;
•  Identify the reasons of annulment of the decisions because of these violations, and
•  Apply properly the legal provisions for elimination of the procedural violations.


During this training were discussed details of legal basis of the Article 403 CPCK, essential absolute and relative violations including practical examples related to the subject. Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from all levels of Kosovo.


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