Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


Seminar: “The Role of the local judge in the interpretation and application of EU law”

On 05-06 December 2012, KJI and the School of Magistrates of Albania in cooperation with the European Institute for Public Administration / European Centre for Judges and Lawyers - EIPA, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, conducted a two day seminar on the topic: “The role of the local judge in the interpretation and application of EU law”. This seminar was organized in the framework of cooperation and technical assistance from Luxembourg “EU Law and its implementation (II) for Kosovo and “technical assistance cooperation” for Albania.

The purpose of the workshop was focused on judge’s development of knowledge on crucial procedures when the local judge requires assistance from the European judge in the interpretation and application of the EU law. 

Judges of Kosovo and Albania, among others followed the topics related to legal remedies, the main principles, judicial cooperation between the national and European, the impact of the membership and the EU law in the daily work of the judiciary, the interpretation of EU law by the Court of Justice of the EU.

Participants debated about the situations of the two countries by describing the procedure how can assistance be requested when interpreting and applying the EU law in the local judicial system and cases from the judicial practice of EU law were addressed.
The beneficiaries of this seminar were the judges of our country at all levels as well as judges of the District Courts of the Republic of Albania.

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