Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


Visit to the Justice Academy and to other Institutions of the Judiciary and Prosecution in Turkey

Within the activities of international cooperation, KJI has conducted a training program followed by some official visits to Turkey for 56 candidates of the fourth generation of ILEP divided into two groups. The visit was conducted from July 09 to 16th for the first group and July 14 to 21, 2012 for the second group of candidates.


Besides ILEP candidates, as part of the groups were also members of the Program Council and KJI staff.

The visit aimed at leading ILEP candidates to become familiar with the organization and functioning of the Justice Academy in Turkey and also at the same time with the Judicial System of Turkey.

During this program were conducted training sessions on international legal assistance and judicial ethics. While visits were conducted at the Academy of Justice, System of Electronic Case Management (UYAP), Court, Prosecution offices, Gendarmerie and to the Child Supervision Centre as well as visits to courts and prosecution offices in the city of Ankara and Izmir. 

During the visit to the Justice Academy of Turkey participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the organization and functioning of this institution, recruitment of candidates, curriculum, length of training and many other important issues regarding the legal education of judges, prosecutors and candidate for these positions.

This visit is conducted in the framework of several years of cooperation between the Kosovo Judicial Institute and the Turkish Academy of Justice, with support from the Agency for International Cooperation and Development of Turkey (TIKA).


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