Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


Regional Conference “Selection, Training and the Appointment of Judges and Prosecutors in the Southeastern Europe: Exchange of best practices”

With the invitation of the French Embassy in Tirana, a delegation from Kosovo composing of a judge, a prosecutor and a representative of KJI, attended the Regional Conference on the topic “The selection, training and appointment of Judges and Prosecutors in South East Europe; Exchange of best practices”, which was held in Tirana on November 13 and 14.


Most important issues that were discussed by the participants of the conference were: What criteria and what procedures for the selection of judges and prosecutors can ensure transparency? The role of the trainings for a transparent and accountable justice, The appointment of judges and prosecutors after their selection, Objective criteria of the judges career, and also many specific problems were addressed related to the issues in focus. 

There were representatives of training institutions and justice of Eastern Europe that participated in the training, among which was also the Kosovo delegation which presented different practices regarding the selection, training and appointment of judges and prosecutors. 
Since this event corresponded with the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the School of Magistrates of Republic of Albania and the graduation ceremony of magistrates this conference was greeted by the President of the Republic of Albania, Ambassador of France in Tirana and the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Albania.

Participants in the conference were professional from the judicial prosecutorial field and training institutions for judges and prosecutors from eleven countries of Southeastern Europe.


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