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Seminar: “the Impact of the EU Law into the National Law”

On 03-04 December 2012, KJI in cooperation with the European Institution for Public Administration/European Center for Judges and Lawyers-EIPA, financed by the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Luxemburg, conducted training on “the Impact of the EU Law into the National Law”. This training was organized within the program for cooperation technical and assistance of Luxemburg “EU Law and its Application (II) for Kosovo”.

This seminar aimed to provide judges and prosecutors with the knowledge on the impact of the EU law, its application by the EU member states and the states that tend to be part of the EU in the future.

In this direction were treated topics such as: EU as a special legal body, including here its purpose, establishing values, legal frame, general principles, competencies, the effect of the European Law into the National Law, its importance, conditions and obligations of the stabilization-association agreement. During the training, the participants gave their contribution through the elaboration of different important topics regarding the European practical cases and the importance of the European regulations toward the application of the national laws.
Beneficiaries of this training were municipal and district judges and prosecutors. 

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