Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


Roundtable Discussion: “International Standards against Domestic Violence, Anti-Discrimination Law and Property Issues”

On 22 and 23 September 2011, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) and the Centre for Legal Aid and Regional Development (CLARD), a project supported by the European Commission Office in Prishtina organized a roundtable discussion on “International Standards against Domestic Violence, Anti-Discrimination Law and Property Issues”.

At the end of this roundtable, the participants will be able to:

  • Implement the international standards in domestic violence cases;
  • Know the content of the Kosovo Constitutional provisions, which prohibit the discrimination in the Republic of Kosovo;
  • Analyze and properly apply the provisions of the Law on Anti-Discrimination and Law on Protection against Domestic Violence;
  • Implement properly the international standards on property issues, joint ownership of spouses and when are harmed the inheritance right of female.

During the roundtable were developed and presented short theoretical presentations, working groups, interactive discussions and review of the cases from the court practice regarding the international standards against domestic violence, provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Law, domestic violence, divorce and property issues (joint ownership of spouses, the inheritance rights of ownership of female).

The beneficiaries of this roundtable were judges from all regions of Kosovo.

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