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KJI staff workshop on drafting of internal documents of KJI


From September 01 until September 04 2011, KJI with the support from the United Nations Development Program – UNDP, conducted a workshop for the KJI staff.

The purpose of this workshop was the drafting of internal administrative instructions as well the drafting of the KJI Trainers Handbook. These documents will have a direct impact in the capacity building of the KJI staff for official communication and advancing the training methodology by KJI trainers. As a result of this workshop, two administrative instructions were drafted: the Administrative directive for coordination of the Activities with Donors and Administrative Instruction regarding the forms of the official communication as well the preparation and addressing the official documentation, while it was drafted also the first draft of the Faculty Handbook.

Two Administrative Instructions were drafted as a result of this workshop; The Administrative Instructions for the Coordination of the Activities with Donors and the Administrative Instruction on the forms and ways of the Official Communication as well the Preparation and addressing the Official Documentation while it was drafted also the first draft of the Faculty Handbook.  


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