Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


KJI staff training: “Proposal Writing, Team Building and Creativity at Work”


On September 08 and 09, 2011, KJI within the project “Justice for Gender Equality” supported by UWOMEN, organized a workshop in Istog on the topic: “Proposal Writing, Team Building, Creativity at Work”.   

The purpose of training was to enhance the knowledge of the staff regarding the drafting of project proposals as well the capacity building for team work and creativity at work.

After the completion of this training, KJI staff will be able to:

  • Draft project proposals for donors with an acceptable, reasonable and professional content;
  • Develop different ideas on drafting of proposals for the needs of KJI;
  • Promote team work and develop their creativity at work.

This training mainly included group work, where the participants drafted concrete project proposals, developed and presented ideas for the capacity building of KJI. Also through examples and practical demonstration, various discussions and ideas were developed for the capacity building of team work and creativity at work.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI staff. 


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