Lajme dhe Aktivitete - Arkiva


CLEP Roundtable Discussion: Criminal Offences against Property and Economy”


On 11 June 2012, KJI organized a roundtable discussion on: “Criminal Offences against Property and Economy”. 

Main objectives of this training were that at the end the participants will be able to:
•  Determine the criminal offences against property; 
•  Identify criminal offences against property and the punishments for these offences;
•  Distinguish the measuring systems of the punishment for criminal offences against property.

During this training session were addressed issues related to attribution of criminal acts against property and the economy and the distinctive features of these offenses. The main focus was on some offenses which are innovations in the Criminal Code as: the offenses of burglary, robbery, theft, robbery, unlawful acquisition of material benefit, fraud with subsidies, insurance abuse, coercion, blackmail, contracting un-proportional benefit. Some of these offenses will be innovative in the new Criminal Code of Kosovo.

Beneficiaries of this session were judges and prosecutors from all regions of Kosovo. 


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