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Roundtable Discussions from the Juvenile Field

From July 16 until July 20, 2012 KJI in cooperation with UNICEF conducted roundtable discussions in the regions: Prizren, Peja, Mitrovica, Gjilan and Prishtina in which participated representatives of justice institutions for children at regional level.


The topic of these roundtables was “The Joint Referral Protocol – Presentation and Discussions”. 
The purpose of these roundtables was to present the draft joint referral protocol in the field of justice for children and to obtain comments and suggestions from competent officials regarding the draft protocol.

During the discussions, juvenile judges and prosecutors as well as police officers, probation service officers, social work center officers and mediators, made their comments to reflect the work of each institution with the aim of including the best practices in this Protocol, in accordance with the international standards and practices. 


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