
Postuar më: 23-10-2024

Konferencija o Nasilju u Porodici prema Francuskom Zakonodavstvu

Prishtina, 24 October 2024 – The Academy of Justice in cooperation with the French Embassy in Kosovo organized a conference on Handling domestic violence cases according to the French Legislation. The conference was enriched with the participation of the France Ambassador in Kosovo Mr. Olivier Guérot, Mrs. Albulena Haxhiu Minister of Justice in Kosovo, Mrs. Stéphanie Fernandez prosecutor in Mulhouse France and Mrs. Frédérique Dubost Liaison judge from France, and judges, prosecutors Kosovo Police and representatives from non-governmental organizations working in the domestic violence area.

The French Ambassador in Kosovo Mr. Olivier Guérot, and Minister of Justice Mrs. Albulena Haxhiu, underlined the commitment to address the domestic violence and protect the women rights. The Prosecutor Mrs. Stéphanie Fernandez and the Liaison Judge Mrs. Frédérique Dubost shared their expertise on improving legal approach in this area.

During the conference it was discussed about the importance of new mechanisms for identification of victims and sanctioning of the violence perpetrators. This event marks an important step in strengthening the cooperation and enhancing the protection of women rights in Kosovo.

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